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Ava's Birth Story'

On Thursday evening at 8:15pm, March 10, 2016, I was laying in bed with my husband watching TV when I felt a "pop" and a gush of fluid emerge from down below. I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom to discover I had a bloody show. Since my hospital bag was not packed, I just grabbed my iphone and ipad and rushed off to the hospital! Around 9:10pm, I was laying in the hospital bed and in labor.

Exactly two hours later, I was 2cm, nearing 3cm dilated and 70% effaced.

It is all a blur to me now but all I remember is being in the most terrible pain of my life all through the night! Since I had no one to watch my oldest daughter, she witnessed all of my pain. Mia seemed so scared and I felt like I couldn't moan loudly, so I decided to get the epidural. At this point, I was 6cm dilated. After the epidural was given, I felt so much better, minus the odd numbing sensation that mostly affected my right leg! I kept asking the nurse if it was normal to feel that numb in one leg and she assured me it was.

The big sister, sleeping...

A low light photo of me, which is why it is so grainy...

Daddy sleeping...

At almost 7:25am, I developed a fever. My water had been broken for almost 12 hours, and when that happens, an infection can occur. So, they wanted to start the smallest amount of Pitocin to get my contractions to speed up.

Almost 8:00am and I was dilated up to 7cm!

Around 8:45am, I felt the urge to push and I could feel my contractions. The nurse checked me and I was 10cm dilated and fully effaced, time to push!! They put an oxygen mask on my face and in a few short pushes, Ava was out!! I had a minor tear because as she was coming out, her little hand was up next to her face.

Ava Marie, 6lbs, 14.3oz and 19 1/4 inches long.

A very exhausted mommy but loving every moment...

On Sunday, March 13, 2006, we got to go home with our little miracle!

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