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Not So Lazy Sunday

I did a lot of cleaning today. You can call me a neat freak because I absolutely dislike clutter and messes!! I swept and cleaned out the laundry room, which is where the cat litter box is. If you have cats, you know how dusty and messy the area in which the litter box is located. I am constantly sweeping and cleaning off the washer and dryer. Not to mention the window sill, since it sits right in line with that nasty dust pan aka the litter box.

Next, I cleaned all of the floors downstairs, which is nothing but ceramic tile. Not my idea of fun but it collects a lot of dust, dirt, and animal fur. I use my Swiffer, which takes about 7 wet floor wipes. I use the front and back of each wipe to ensure my floor gets very clean. Then, when I am finished, I go over the entire floor with "Swiffer Sweeper" wipes, which I love because it picks up dust, dirt, and hair. You should see what the wipe looks like when I take it off! Works better than a broom!! I highly recommend it for hardwood and ceramic file floors.

I also washed the outside of our car. It was perfect weather, only 64 degrees! Finally, I cleaned the spice cabinet and freezer. So, I was very productive today!

For 8 hours today, all I smelled was beef stew that I had prepared this morning in the crockpot. It was delicious!

T-minus one hour and a half until "The Walking Dead" comes on!!

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