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Breakfast Chocolate Oatmeal

First of all, this breakfast chocolate oatmeal doesn't have to be eaten in the morning. It is so good that you could eat it at night for dessert! Oatmeal contains a healthy amount of fiber. There are two types found in oatmeal, soluble and insoluble. Souble fiber has been known to lower LDL levels , which is your bad cholesterol. It also delays the emptying of your stomach contents, which makes your feel full. Insoluble fiber has a laxative effect on your body and helps prevent constipation. Dietary guidelines suggest women need 25 grams of fiber or more per day. Oatmeal contains 4 grams of equal amounts of soluble and insoluble fiber.

I have attached my recipe for "Breakfast Chocolate Oatmeal". I highly recommend that you use an over-ripe banana, one that is very brown. I always buy several bananas and let them get to this brown stage, then freeze them. When I am ready to use one, I simply get it out of the freezer, put it in the microwave, and defrost for two minutes. I like how the sugars from the banana escapes when defrosted. Adds more sweetness to the oatmeal. If you use a regular, spotted banana, the

oatmeal will not taste very good. The raisins add more sweetness and texture. Mmmmmm enjoy!

Breakfast Chocolate Oatmeal from 375sarava

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